Start of Abstract submission: June 1, 2023


NEW Deadline for Abstract submission: May 15 2024


Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2024


Abstracts and papers have to be submitted via ISHS submission tool: click here


Abstracts must always be submitted by the presenting author, using their own personal ISHS user account. Submitting an abstract on behalf of, or using the ISHS user account of another author is strictly not permitted.


Each registered participant can submit one abstract for an oral or poster presentation. Submission of an abstract implies that registration to the Symposium will follow. Accepted abstracts can be presented orally only if the registration fee has been paid up to the deadline for presenting author registration (31 July 2024). Presenting authors of submitted abstracts with a valid ISHS user account have a commensurate discount in the registration fee (see under “Registration). If you do not have a valid ISHS user account yet, you can proceed to https://www.actahort.org/members/newmember?asc=1 to pay to activate your user account.

Information on ISHS Membership can be found at https://www.ishs.org/members.


During the I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, two Young Mind Awards for junior scientists will be given. Information on ISHS Young Minds Awards is provided at: https://www.ishs.org/young-minds-award.


Abstract guidelines

All abstract for both oral and poster presentations should be prepared according to the instructions and submitted to the ISHS submission tool, https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=600.

ISHS online submission procedures: https://www.ishs.org/sites/default/files/page-documents/onlinesubmissionauthorsguide.pdf

An abstract in English, limited to 200-300 words in a single paragraph, is required in all cases.

The abstract should contain a concise but comprehensive statement of the problem and results. The title and abstract will be freely available on the ISHS website and should be considered an advertisement for the paper as it may be all that most viewers will read. Thus, it should be carefully and accurately written. Your abstract will be sorted and arranged to organize the program by the keywords you proposed in the abstract submission.

Specifications about abstract preparation can be found here: Authors - International Society for Horticultural Science (https://www.ishs.org/authors).




All speakers of oral presentations must submit a manuscript for inclusion to the Symposium Proceedings in Acta Horticulturae.

The deadline for submission of a full-length paper is September 26, 2024.


Authors of posters are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit their manuscript for Acta Horticulturae.

Acta Horticulturae (ISSN 0567‐ 7572) is a peer reviewed series, mainly the proceedings of ISHS Symposia and the International Horticultural Congress. All Acta Horticulturae articles are available online at www.actahort.org.

Papers for both oral and poster presentations should be prepared following Acta Horticulturae author guidelines, which are accessible by clicking here (https://www.ishs.org/authors).

 [KVD1]Please make sure this goes to https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=600


Important Dates

Symposium Dates: September, 23-26, 2024

Abstract Submission Launch: June 1, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024 15 May 2024

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