The I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates will be held in Athens (Greece) from September 23rd to 26th 2024. It is our pleasure to host this Symposium and to invite you to attend.
The symposium is organised by the Agricultural University of Athens and the International Society for Horticultural Science under the aegis of ISHS Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture and ISHS Working Group Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, and with the support of ISHS Division Vegetables, Roots and Tubers and ISHS Commission Agroecology and Organic Farming Systems.
The Symposium incorporates the following two symposia:
  • XII International Symposium on Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates
  • II International Symposium on Nettings and Screens in Horticulture
The Symposium will be organised in the facilities of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) in its main campus. AUA, founded in 1920, is the third oldest university of Greece. The main campus of AUA occupies an area of 25 hectares bordering on both sides the historic Iera Odos (the Sacred Way of antiquity), close to the centre of Athens, at the heart of the ancient Olive Grove and the edge of the Ancient Site of Kerameikos. The 28 building complexes of the University comprise 42 fully-organized and equipped laboratories for teaching and research, and 55 modern auditoriums and lecture rooms.
This symposium is an opportunity for specialists in protected cultivation of vegetables and ornamentals, as well as in use of netting and screens in horticulture, to meet and present their research innovations, to share ideas and knowledge, and to discuss the current status and future perspectives of protected cultivation and use of netting and screens in regions with mild winter climatic conditions.
We believe that you will enjoy your stay in Athens and your participation to the scientific sessions, as well as to the cultural and touristic activities that we are preparing for you.
We look forward to seeing you all in Athens during the I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates.
Professor Dimitrios Savvas,
Agricultural University of Athens, Laboratory of Vegetable Production,  Athens, Greece
Assoc. Prof. Thomas Bartzanas, 
Agricultural University of Athens, Laboratory of Farm Structures, Athens, Greece



Important Dates

Symposium Dates: September, 23-26, 2024

Abstract Submission Launch: June 1, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024 15 May 2024

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